Friday, September 17, 2010

Too fat to play the weight loss game

Coworker approached me and told me about a weight loss program at the school I work at. It was for all staff whether they are teachers or lowly morning day care people like me.

Setting aside the slight embarrassment of having a coworker tell me about a weight loss program, I thought perhaps it would be good. Perhaps it would motivate me to stop eating frozen cookie dough all the time.

So I went up to the health office and stood in line to get myself weighed.

I know I'm fat. I look in the mirror every day.

But to have the stupid scale say EEEEEEEE when I stepped on it, and then to have the two school nurses fuss with it and wonder if it was broken in front of several regular staff (some of whom know who I am because I've had kids at this school for 12 years) and then have me step on the scale several more times because they can't figure out why it's wigging out ruined my day. Especially because everyone else had no problem getting a reading on it.

It turns out it was a pediatric scale, but if every single staff member but me had no problem with a pediatric scale, then I do not fit in with this group. I am too fat to join in.

This is very depressing. Is there more cookie dough?

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